5 teeth whitening remedies at home

Everyone would like to have perfect white teeth. Not only will you have a beautiful and radiant smile, but it also helps to give you a magnetic personality. If you’re reading these lines, maybe you’ve been thinking about paying a visit to your dentist to finally get rid of those yellow spots. You can have a bright smile without having to spend euros and euros on teeth whitening kits or other teeth whitening solutions.

From here, I want to provide you with a series of easy remedies that you can get in your kitchen and that will give you a white, bright and unblemished smile. Prepare your own homemade tooth whitening.

Banana skin

The banana is a fruit that contains many essential nutrients for your body. Surely you’ve heard more than once how much potassium you can get if you eat a single banana. But, did you know that we can also take advantage of its shell? The next time you eat a banana and you are going to throw away its skin, take the opportunity to rub it on your teeth for about two minutes. Then wait fifteen minutes and brush your teeth with a normal toothpaste. Repeat this process two or three times a week. After a while, you will notice a noticeable difference.

How can the banana peel help you whiten teeth? The banana peel also contains some essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium and manganese, which penetrates the teeth and help to whiten them.


Sweet strawberries, especially those that have a lively and bright color, can brighten your smile. All you have to do is take one to two strawberries, crushed into a small puree , and apply them to your teeth for two or three minutes. You can use your toothbrush and apply them with smooth and circular movements. After this process, you can rinse your mouth with water or brush your teeth with normal paste.

Strawberries help in two ways. On the one hand, they are a rich source of a natural enzyme known as malic acid. This acid is one of the key components in many whitening toothpastes. On the other, the fiber of the strawberries acts as a natural cleanser and helps eliminate bacteria from the mouth and teeth.

Peel and lemon juice

Another fruit that works as a teeth whitening effectively is lemon. The peel has a high level of acid, which works as a powerful bleach. In fact, you have two options when it comes to taking advantage of this fruit. You can rub the skin of the lemon on your teeth or apply its juice. To do this, you must mix the same amount of lemon juice with water.

It will be this mixture that you will use to brush your teeth. However, you must be very careful, since lemon acid can cause tooth decay and destroy the enamel by degrading its calcium. Therefore, it is not recommended to use more than twice a week and rest between periods of use and non-use.

Other fruits such as pineapple or oranges can also help keep your teeth clean, but they are not as effective because they do not contain as much acid as lemon.

Crunchy carrots

You can feel very happy the next time you hear the crunch of some carrots in your mouth. Why? The raw carrots are very beneficial to remove plaque from teeth and are popularly known as natural cleanser. The carrots, in addition, end up with the bacteria in our mouth, maintaining the acid-alkaline balance of this. So every time you’re eating carrots you’ll be whitening your teeth and helping you get healthier gums.

Apple and celery are also important bleaching agents. These foods are rich in vitamin C, which prevents gum disease and gingivitis and kill the bacteria that cause the bad smell.

Sodium bicarbonate

All dental health experts agree that one of the strongest and safest teeth whiteners is sodium bicarbonate. It is an excellent acid neutralizer and helps eliminate stains from the teeth, while protecting the enamel. You can mix a little salt with baking soda and apply it gently on the teeth. Let it sit for two or three minutes and rinse with water afterwards. You will have whiter and brighter teeth instantly.

Many toothpastes normally available on the market contain sodium bicarbonate, but if yours does not, you can sprinkle a little before brushing.

To ensure healthier teeth and gums, you can also use products enriched in calcium, such as milk or cheese. On the other hand, black tea and coffee can stain your teeth, so it’s best if you add some milk if you take them. An extra tip may be to use a straw to drink certain concoctions and thus avoid contact with the teeth.

These home remedies are totally safe and harmless, they are cheap and can provide you with surprisingly positive results.