Tips to overcome fear of the dentist

Why are we afraid of the dentist?

Many people explain that their fear of the dentist comes from their first experience (when children) was traumatic because they remember that it hurt and that, in some cases, they even had to hold it between several people.

It is true that most people have not gone through these traumas but it is also true that there are several aspects against which we are delighted to go to the dentist:

  • The atmosphere already impresses us: people with gowns, masks and “tools” that relate to pain. The smell and especially the sound are one of the main factors that cause fear to the dentist
  • You do not usually know what they’re going to do to you exactly.
  • You do not know how long “torture” will last.
  • You remain in an uncomfortable position (with your mouth open) and it is difficult for you to breathe. There is a feeling of helplessness.
  • Finally say that although we put anesthesia (which already involves a puncture) the treatment is not uncomfortable in itself.

Possible solutions

Among the possible solutions to avoid the fear of the dentist we have:

  • First (before you get on the table) explain what you are going to do and how long, more or less, the treatment will last. Then, during the treatment, it relaxes a lot to be told what they are doing, if there is a lot and then what will happen.
  • When it comes to children with fear of the dentist, it is usually very helpful to let them play the instruments (you can have one just to touch and see). They see that it does not cut. Some dentists also have some dolls for the child to pretend he heals their teeth. So he sees that nothing happens and he relaxes.
  • One of the devices that people have the worst memory is the “maquinita” (serves to file) that makes that noise so sharp. When the children touch it and see that it does not hurt, they are calmer.
  • Music is always a great help. You can have a relaxing music or advise the patient to bring the music that will relax you the most.
  • To agree, at first, a gesture that makes the doctor understand that we need a break or that we are disturbed by that manipulation.
  • When more than fear of the dentist what we have is panic we can look for, previously, some therapy that teaches us to relax. Learning to breathe properly usually works in most cases.

Some therapies to combat fear of the dentist

Phototherapy: before going to the dentist can take (in the form of tablets or drops) a mixture of medicinal plants (valerian, passionflower, lemon balm,etc.). The specialist will tell us the appropriate dose to our case.

Homeopathy: there are remedies, such as Gelsemium, which can help in fear of the dentist. Ask the homeopath.

Bach flowers: the Emergency Remedy is usually often of much help.

What can be done in extreme cases?

When more than fear the dentist there is already dread or an almost irrational fear some dentists suggest conscious sedation. The added advantage is that in that session they can do, in some cases, all the treatment that that patient needs. If the experience is positive, that fear of the dentist will disappear and perhaps it will be easier to treat it in the conventional way.