Teach the child to floss

Consultations should be periodic, because in addition to familiarizing the child with the environment and health monitoring will remain in the dental health of small, preventing this decay and stings that require healing and even tooth extraction. And if you have a caries problem, it will be so easy to solve that the little one will not feel more discomfort.

Conscious sedation is now being used in anxious and fearful patients, which is a type of sedation that keeps the patient awake. Nitrous oxide is used, a gas used with oxygen that has the property to relax the patient, keeping it in a state of lethargy, slowing down its stimuli, being ideal for long dental treatments or having a severe dental disease, People with physical disabilities, etc.

The conscious sedation that keeps the patient awake during their effect will not feel pain of healing, will wake up quickly without adverse reactions and after its effect will not remember the dental process through which it happened.