Dental floss

If you want to know how to floss also called dental floss, you’re in the right place. The technique of flossing is not as simple as it seems, you need to follow a few steps to avoid damaging the gums and to remove all the plaque from between the teeth.

Floss correctly to help remove food debris and plaque from those places not reached by the brush. Flossing is recommended at each brushing because the accumulation of tartar and plaque can lead to tooth decay and other mouth diseases.

Steps to floss

Cut a piece of floss about 45cm approximately. Wrap the whole thread except 3 or 5cm in the ring finger. This piece will be the one you use to remove debris. Hold the thread taut between the thumb and forefinger. Once I have the thread securely, slipped gently between your teeth, up and down. To access subgingival curve and pass the thread around the base of the tooth. Be careful not to bump the thread and force as you can damage the gum tissue.

Go desenrrollando of the clean thread for progress from tooth to tooth. To take the thread to betray and move back away from the gums.

What is the best dental floss?

There are two types of dental floss. One of them is made of multifilament nylon, the other of a single strand of PTFE. Apart from these two types, found in the market dental flosses that include wax or fluorine.

Flossing multifilamente usually worse for those with very tight teeth and it frays. The monofilament floss is more expensive works best in smaller spaces. Both types of floss are good, you should try to see which is best will you and your teeth.