How sugar affects your teeth and other oral health tips

Oral health is something that worries all people. We all like to be able to wear a beautiful smile and everyone knows that sugar is one of the enemies of a healthy smile. For this reason, you should avoid some foods or behaviors and here we give you some oral health advice.

Why sugar is so bad for your teeth

It depends on the foods you eat, they can affect your teeth in one way or another. In the case of sugar, this is very harmful to your teeth because the bacteria in your mouth eat sugar and produce acids that can damage the enamel of the teeth and cause cavities.

Likewise, you should know that the higher the consumption of sugary foods, the more likely you are to decrease the amount of tooth enamel and, therefore, to develop caries.

How to prevent some oral health problems

The twenty minutes after consuming sugar are crucial. In that period of time the amount of sugar for bacteria is maximum. Therefore, you should brush your teeth within this time frame.

In the same way, you should pay attention to the labels of the foods you buy, since in some hidden sugars may be present that you will only discover if you look at the labels.

Of course, it is important that you brush your teeth at least three times a day, and if you can use fluoride and dental floss, better, since you will have a more complete oral hygiene.

In addition, diet greatly influences oral health. A balanced diet rich in vegetables, proteins, fruits, cereals and low-fat dairy will make your defenses stronger against the attacks of bacteria.