Oral and dental problems


When bacteria grow on the teeth and gums, tooth decay occurs when the acids destroy the outer layer of the teeth, that is, the enamel. Initial symptoms may include white spots on the teeth. As the color worsens, the color changes to light brown and then changes to darker. Deterioration around the scale limits can cause them to break and into the tooth.

Gum disease

Symptoms of periodontal disease or gums include:

  • Persistent bad breath, known as halitosis, or a bad taste in the mouth, persistent
  • Bleeding gums
  • Changes in the way your teeth meet when you bite something
  • Teeth that loosen or move from place
  • Pus between teeth and gums
  • Red and swollen gums
  • Pain in the gums
  • Teeth that look long because the gums have retracted
  • Gums that have spread from the teeth
  • Teeth or gums that are very sensitive to cold or heat

Dental abscess

Toothache, sensitivity to heat or cold, inflamed neck glands, and fever may be signs of a dental abscess. Pain relief medicines, such as aspirin, can help calm symptoms, as well as rinsing your mouth with warm, salty water. However, you need to consult with a dentist to cure the infection in the tooth. Dentists can often save the infected tooth if it is healed on time.

Injured teeth

Usually, you know when a tooth has been broken or has lost one because of an accident. Sometimes, without realizing it, you can break a tooth and notice it until later. This occurs when the tooth was already fractured. People sometimes do not know they have a fractured tooth. A fractured tooth is discovered when the person visits the dentist for tooth pain, tightening, or sensitivity to cold or heat.

Dry mouth

Symptoms of dry mouth include a constant sore throat, a burning sensation, trouble speaking, difficulty swallowing, a hoarse voice, or dry nasal passages. If the dryness of the mouth is not taken care of, it can cause damage to the teeth due to the growth of the bacteria.

Mouth ulcers (canker sores)

Before the mouth ulcers appear, you may feel itching or burning sensation in an inner area of ​​the mouth, such as the tongue, soft palate, or inside the cheeks. The ulcer will appear later – a round, white spot with a red circle around it. Ulcers are painful and cause chewing and eating to be bothersome.

Lip ulcers

The first sign of a lip sore is itching and redness in a place near the lips and sometimes under the nose or jaw. In that place a single blister or a group of blisters full of liquid and painful form.

Grinding of teeth or bruxism

Headache, teeth that are sensitive to heat or cold, or pain in the jaw can be a sign of a clenching or squeezing of the jaw. This is called bruxism. It often happens when you are asleep. Some common symptoms include pain in or around the ears, pain in the jaw, mouth creaking when opened or closed, headache or neck pain. The pain may be related to the muscles of the face, jaw or tempura mandibular joint, located in front of the ear. These problems are called tempura mandibular joint disorder, TMD (TMD).