Halitosis, a silent enemy

Halitosis or bad breath can be defined as unpleasant odor that is emitted by the oral cavity. It is very frequent. It affects one in two people and is considered a problem related to poor oral hygiene, or mouth diseases, but it is not always the case.

Origin of halitosis

Bad breath can come from two sources: oral halitosis, or extra oral halitosis.

90% of cases of bad breath have their origin in the oral cavity and comes in 41% of the bacterial plaque or biofilm that is concentrated in the tongue. The rest is caused by periodontal problems, bad hygiene, cavities, smoking, alcoholism, etc.

When its origin is extra oral, which comes to be 10% of all cases, comes mainly from systemic disorders: respiratory tract, both upper and lower, digestive system, liver dysfunction , kidney disease , etc. .: sinusitis, tonsillitis , esophagitis, ear problems, pharyngitis, Cohn’s disease , diabetes mellitus, Jorgen’s syndrome, helicobacter pylori , diverticula , excess digestive fermentations, enzyme imbalance , dry mouth , candidiasis , “smell of hunger” (ketosis smell), provoked for some low-carb diets, etc.

Halitosis – Causes

The most common cause is the volatile sulfur compounds (CVS) or products that result from the decomposition of the metabolism of anaerobic bacteria (gram-negative) that are located in greater proportion in the back of the tongue and in periodontal pockets.

The causes of halitosis can be pathological and not pathological.

Among the non-pathological we find:

Bad breath in the morning: it is caused by the flow of saliva that decreases during sleep, facilitating bacterial growth without control and therefore, a greater production of malodorous gases.

Age: the older, more halitosis. The elderly suffer changes in their salivary glands that directly affect the quality and quantity of saliva. This happens even with exaggerated dental hygiene.

Dental prostheses: with dentures, bridges, crowns, etc. You can strain debris and accumulate between the gum and the piece. If those remains remain in the mouth for many hours, it can produce very unpleasant odors: halitosis.

Some drugs: there are certain drugs that cause xerostomia (dry mouth syndrome). Drugs such as anticholinergic, antidepressants, etc. As the saliva with its enzymes favors the cleaning of the oral cavity, reducing the bad smell of the mouth.

Smoking: smoking produces bad breath. Even people who have quit smoking long ago still have the characteristic smell from inside.

Detoxifications: People who start taking detoxifying supplements can suffer what is called depurative crisis, among whose symptoms is a white tongue and bad breath.

Fasting: a hypo caloric diet favors bad breath.

Meals: there are certain foods that produce halitosis. Foods such as onions, garlic, alcohol, coffee, etc. Your metabolism can produce elements that pass from the intestine to the circulation and to the mucous and the liver and are expelled through the air from the lungs.

Halitosis due to pathological causes:

  • Diseases of the gums, cavities, etc.
  • Poor oral hygiene: poor elimination of biofilm or bacterial plaque. Its greater accumulation is usually in the back of the tongue, between the teeth, sub gingival area, abscesses, etc.
  • Stomach problems: ulcers, infections, stomatitis.
  • Pharynx: infections by viruses, bacterial infections, infections by candid’s, etc.
  • Necrosis by radiotherapy and chemotherapy

People can have episodes of halitosis and can also become chronic, so it would be very important to assess what the origin is and stop it as soon as possible.

In order to alleviate the problems of social rejection that cause of the evil to breathe in the people who suffer it, they have invented countless products and gadgets in order to neutralize the volatile compounds that give off the bad smell: chewing gums, candies, sprays, etc. That only masks the smell. There are also rinses and mouthwashes and mouth cleansers that eliminate some of the bacteria that cause bad breath, although they are not a solution to the problem, but a temporary solution.

A good ally against halitosis or bad breath is the activated charcoal that can be purchased as a complement, which fights the bacteria very well and elevates the defensive system in a 50 %.