How teeth whitening is done

The whitenes of teeth has a genetic factor, there are people whose teeth are whiter than others. But also oral hygiene to maintain the good condition of the teeth is essential. There are substances such as tobacco or beverages such as coffee and wine that can darken the teeth and produce superficial spots on the teeth that, in general, with good oral hygiene and dental cleaning are eliminated.

Another case is the internal stains, the teeth are stained in depth by blood, often produced by medications or antibiotic treatments that were given before. To whiten the teeth there are treatments of teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide and carbide peroxide, a whitening product that is activated by the heat that emits the light applied to each tooth.

The treatment lasts about an hour and the result and intensity will depend on each person. It is very important that a professional who advises the appropriate treatment according to the state of each person’s teeth and always go to specialized clinics.

What happens when having white teeth becomes an obsession?

It’s whiteness. Caring for oral hygiene is very important. But what happens when having white teeth becomes an obsession? It’s whiteness. The inappropriate and abusive use of products and bleaching treatments without medical recommendation can produce secondary effects derived as dental hypersensitivity and gingival irritation, including alteration of flavors or cracks in teeth.