How is the tooth whitening process

Foods rich in tannins, coffee and especially tobacco, make the teeth yellow. Undoubtedly, when this happens is something quite unsightly, so it is advisable to perform teeth whitening. This process to whiten teeth should always be done by a professional. In this article we will detail in 5 simple steps how teeth are whitened.

Before starting the process to whiten the teeth , it is convenient to make a previous visit to the clinic so that the professional can inspect the denture and analyze the dental whitening treatment that the patient needs , its duration or if he needs more than one session to whiten teeth.

Once determined by the professional the type of dental whitening treatment that the patient needs, an appointment is made to perform the teeth whitening. Let’s see below how to whiten teeth quickly and effectively in 5 easy steps.

Laser teeth whitening process

  1. First of all, it should be noted that clinical treatments for whitening teeth are performed in a session that usually does not exceed 50 minutes. The first phase of the teeth whitening treatment is to prepare the mouth for teeth whitening. Normally a protector is used that has a double function: to keep the mouth open so that there are no alterations during the teeth whitening process and to delimit the area to be bleached.
  2. In the second phase of the teeth whitening process, a barrier is fixed with a resinous material to protect the gums and small gingival incisions. This resin hardens and prevents the gums from being affected in the teeth whitening process. Laser teeth whitening.
  3. Then the so-called bleaching agent is applied on the teeth with a small brush. It is a very important phase of the process, because you have to coat the entire surface of the teeth with the whitening gel, without leaving a small free space so that tooth whitening is uniform. This bleaching gel can be composed of two materials: carbide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. The only difference between the two products is that the carbide peroxide acts more slowly, so the teeth whitening treatment can be extended a little longer.
  4. Once the whitening gel has been supplied throughout the denture, it is time to apply the laser or the LED lights that promote the rapidity with which the bleaching agent acts. Although the application of the beam of light never exceeds 30 seconds, it is mandatory that the patient wear protective goggles to keep the eyes safe in this phase of the teeth whitening process. It is a very important moment of the process to whiten the teeth, since it is the application of this beam of light which causes the oxidation of the peroxide gel. Teeth whitening is constantly evolving, which is why the laser is giving way to LED lights in teeth whitening treatments.
  5. In the last phase of the treatment to whiten the teeth, the dentist removes the protective resin from the gums, the protector of the mouth and it is time to evaluate the results and compare the previous color that the teeth had with that obtained after the teeth whitening.

You already know how to whiten teeth in a safe and professional way. And as you can see, tooth whitening is an effective technique thanks to the experience that professionals have in this type of treatment. In addition, it is an economical, effective and above all quick method to get the denture to recover its natural color.