How teeth whitening is done

The whitenes of teeth has a genetic factor, there are people whose teeth are whiter than others. But also oral hygiene to maintain the good condition of the teeth is essential. There are substances such as tobacco or beverages such as coffee and wine that can darken the teeth and produce superficial spots on the teeth that, in general, with good oral hygiene and dental cleaning are eliminated.

Another case is the internal stains, the teeth are stained in depth by blood, often produced by medications or antibiotic treatments that were given before. To whiten the teeth there are treatments of teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide and carbide peroxide, a whitening product that is activated by the heat that emits the light applied to each tooth.

The treatment lasts about an hour and the result and intensity will depend on each person. It is very important that a professional who advises the appropriate treatment according to the state of each person’s teeth and always go to specialized clinics.

What happens when having white teeth becomes an obsession?

It’s whiteness. Caring for oral hygiene is very important. But what happens when having white teeth becomes an obsession? It’s whiteness. The inappropriate and abusive use of products and bleaching treatments without medical recommendation can produce secondary effects derived as dental hypersensitivity and gingival irritation, including alteration of flavors or cracks in teeth.

First consultation with the dentist

This first encounter must occur in the child’s first year, as this will prevent possible problems of cavities and infections. Going to the dentist early, parents will ensure that the child grows up with healthy teeth.

Here are some tips that will be useful when going to the dentist:

  • To start, you must choose a pediatric dentist, a specialist prepared to care for children.
  • Probably, in the first visit the minor feels fear. It is advisable that your fears are not passed on to the child, since if this is the case, a certain amount of suspicion will be created for the dentist, given only by the fear that one of the parents may feel for the dentist.
  • The ideal is to prepare the child and warn him that the dentist will go that day. You can anticipate looking at your teeth and mouth, feeling related to the subject.
  • You can also play with him at the dentist, counting his teeth helped by a mirror. The ideal is to familiarize yourself with the situation you will experience.
  • It is more advisable to take the first hours, since children having rested, are calmer.
  • Do not use as punishment to threaten him with the dentist. The only thing you will create is to enhance the fear that the child may feel.
  • If you have older siblings who come to the dentist, it is advisable that you bring the child to the consultation to get used to the environment

Sometimes, children feel an aberrant fear of the dentist and the mere fact of entering the clinic and hearing how the devices they use sound creates terror and panic. Maybe your fear is due to face the unknown, but the important thing is to go to the specialist as soon as the first teeth come out.

There are interventions that are invasive, for example, extractions of parts or long procedures. Due to the stress caused by this situation, the child may cry uncontrollably and do not let the expert do his work.

The fundamental thing is to calm him down and transmit confidence towards him. Hopefully you will accompany him in the consultation, since this way he will feel more comfortable. The biggest solution to avoid fear, is to take it when it is very small, so that it gets used to the dentist and the surrounding environment.

What is the ideal time to take the child to the first consultation with the dentist?

That is a question that parents ask a lot, but the answer is not determined. Nowadays it is sought that children stay healthy.

The consultation at year old, is more towards the parents, and has a didactic approach educating them for the health of the child taking him when he is healthy.

What elements do parents have to take into account when choosing a dentist for the child?

It is important to seek advice that the professional is used to working with children because it is very different than attending adults. You have to have a special language that they understand, respect their times, know the codes of the little ones and the parents must see that the dentist creates a bond with the child.

Another thing to keep in mind is the environment, having an office in which the child arrives and is comfortable, the first impression is very important, if the space is adapted for the children they will feel better.

In addition to the physical space, what does the dentist have to do to make the child comfortable?

That is something that depends on each professional and the father will see it in the consultation specifically. Personally, before going to the consultation chair, I take the child to a place specially adapted to work oral hygiene, we work on brushing, we talk about how he uses the toothbrush, I ask him to show me how he washes and chatting about that we are achieving a confidence prior to the consultation itself. It is possible to break the preconception that the dentist looks at my teeth but that he is someone who cares about the health of the boy as a whole.

It is important that parents are present at the consultation because they will give the child safety.

What happens to the children who arrive with a lot of fear at the dentist?

It is very important to talk with the child, show and then do. Explain beforehand what you are going to do and why, for example: “Now I am going to turn on the light to focus your teeth and see them better, with this little pistol of air we are going to dry them” try to tell them everything we are going to do, let them know that when they sit on the couch, nothing strange will happen to them; we have to take care not to invade that child’s mouth but to work on trust and giving him security.

Tips to overcome fear of the dentist

Why are we afraid of the dentist?

Many people explain that their fear of the dentist comes from their first experience (when children) was traumatic because they remember that it hurt and that, in some cases, they even had to hold it between several people.

It is true that most people have not gone through these traumas but it is also true that there are several aspects against which we are delighted to go to the dentist:

  • The atmosphere already impresses us: people with gowns, masks and “tools” that relate to pain. The smell and especially the sound are one of the main factors that cause fear to the dentist
  • You do not usually know what they’re going to do to you exactly.
  • You do not know how long “torture” will last.
  • You remain in an uncomfortable position (with your mouth open) and it is difficult for you to breathe. There is a feeling of helplessness.
  • Finally say that although we put anesthesia (which already involves a puncture) the treatment is not uncomfortable in itself.

Possible solutions

Among the possible solutions to avoid the fear of the dentist we have:

  • First (before you get on the table) explain what you are going to do and how long, more or less, the treatment will last. Then, during the treatment, it relaxes a lot to be told what they are doing, if there is a lot and then what will happen.
  • When it comes to children with fear of the dentist, it is usually very helpful to let them play the instruments (you can have one just to touch and see). They see that it does not cut. Some dentists also have some dolls for the child to pretend he heals their teeth. So he sees that nothing happens and he relaxes.
  • One of the devices that people have the worst memory is the “maquinita” (serves to file) that makes that noise so sharp. When the children touch it and see that it does not hurt, they are calmer.
  • Music is always a great help. You can have a relaxing music or advise the patient to bring the music that will relax you the most.
  • To agree, at first, a gesture that makes the doctor understand that we need a break or that we are disturbed by that manipulation.
  • When more than fear of the dentist what we have is panic we can look for, previously, some therapy that teaches us to relax. Learning to breathe properly usually works in most cases.

Some therapies to combat fear of the dentist

Phototherapy: before going to the dentist can take (in the form of tablets or drops) a mixture of medicinal plants (valerian, passionflower, lemon balm,etc.). The specialist will tell us the appropriate dose to our case.

Homeopathy: there are remedies, such as Gelsemium, which can help in fear of the dentist. Ask the homeopath.

Bach flowers: the Emergency Remedy is usually often of much help.

What can be done in extreme cases?

When more than fear the dentist there is already dread or an almost irrational fear some dentists suggest conscious sedation. The added advantage is that in that session they can do, in some cases, all the treatment that that patient needs. If the experience is positive, that fear of the dentist will disappear and perhaps it will be easier to treat it in the conventional way.

The risks of not going to the dentist

The oral health has become the crisis in one of the great forgotten in most patients of public health. To the fear or laziness of having to go to the dentist, now adds a third in discord. “The economic factor increasingly alienates families of our consultations” says Luis Rascal, president of the Official College of Dentists of Aragon, who alert the risks to health neglect teeth. Thus, from the College of Dentists warn that solve a simple problem is a long – term savings by not having to resort to more complicated to solve this condition “operations”. It occurs as the car – compare Rascal;

If one takes you to the review as it’s up and change tires on time, it will work much better Ideally prevention to correct any indication , ” he says.  The cavities , in the case of the smallest, and infections of the mouth , broken teeth or mismatch prosthesis , in the case of the elderly, are some of the most common problems arising from this “sloppiness” in health Bunco dental. To avoid these types of conditions, dentists advise Aragon attend periodic reviews at least “once a year”. In fact, they point out, it is preferable to have an intervention that simple -in which is not even necessary to use anaesthetized to resort to complicated.

The main affections


The so-called “toothache” warns in most cases of an infection. “If one has a hole in a tooth and neglected, this progresses inwards and can affect the nerve, which becomes inflamed and infected, ” says the dentist.

Tooth break

This same problem can lead turn into a break, which occurs “when that tooth is very bored inside and to be hollow that area is broken by chewing.”

Mouth cancer

Experts point out that this is not one of the most common conditions, but it could also be one of the consequences of carelessness of the teeth. “A prosthesis that is loosening, moving constantly may cause friction in the gum and the constant rubbing desecandenar major injuries, which could lead to some cases of mouth cancer,” explains Rascal.


Anxiety and stress largely explain the origin of this disease becoming more common, which means that the person or clench your teeth Recline consciously or unconsciously -during the day- -for the night. Consequently, warns this dentist, “erosions, wear and even fracture of teeth can occur.” The solution to this? “Trying to make the person take life more calmly” and help, if necessary, of a “discharge splints” are placed in the mouth to break that cycle of tightening between wheel and wheel.

Digestive problems

On the other hand, the wear of the teeth or the lack of these causes those who suffer it to “wear” more teeth, having to resort to these to grind food. It is convenient to chew food to pass and crushed, but if we lack teeth we do is gobble, so that this comes on terms that are not appropriate for the digestive process is the physiological.


This is one of the most common conditions in childhood and it is the pediatrician, in most cases, who is responsible for detecting it and refer the child to the dentist. “Currently, we have the plan of child oral care and fewer cases are” valued Dr. Carmen Pig, member of primary care physicians. Rascal, meanwhile, is optimistic: “Today we have much more controlled and got used children”.

The most common oral diseases

The oral diseases most common are related to inadequate hygiene and health. To avoid this, it is essential to go to a regular dentist and maintain clean mouth region.

Caries: Caries is characterized by the destruction of dental tissue caused by acids deriving plaque. It is the most common oral disease and can be avoided with simple hygiene measures, since the plaque is derived from the remains of food left in the mouth. Its most common symptoms are pain in the teeth or in the molars when eating sweet, hot or very cold foods, an unpleasant taste in the mouth and bad breath.

Gingivitis: Gingivitis is characterized by bleeding and inflammation of the gums. It is also derived from bacterial plaque. Without treatment, gingivitis can evolve to a chronic condition and cause periodontal pockets, excessive bleeding and loss of dental pieces. To avoid it, make proper hygiene of the teeth and tongue with toothpaste at least three times a day, avoid foods rich in starch, sugars and fat, and go to a dentist at least once a year.

Halitosis: Causes of halitosis are multiple and may be associated with poor oral hygiene, with consequences of chronic gastritis and, in more severe cases, serious illnesses such as cancer of the lung. However, most cases are caused by problems in the mouth itself. Halitosis is characterized by bad breath and it is estimated that 25% of the population suffers from this problem at a chronic level. People over 50 are more susceptible to cases of halitosis and it is also common to identify them when waking up after a long period of sleep, when the mouth has been at rest and produced little saliva. Prevention methods include oral hygiene with paste, toothbrush and dental floss and frequent visits to the dentist, which may also indicate whether the problem stems from another cause.

Sores: Canker sores are injuries that can occur in different sizes and intensity in the oral mucosa and its causes are not related diseases such as herpes, pemphigus or fever, for example. It is known that most cases originate from the ingestion of certain drugs or analgesics, bumps in the mouth region, hormonal changes, stress, tobacco and lack of iron and vitamins in the body. To avoid them, it is recommended to drink plenty of water, avoid acidic drinks, tobacco and spicy foods and be careful when brushing to avoid blows. Also, watch out for stress and hormone levels.

The most common diseases in dentistry

These neglects cause the development of oral diseases that, in addition to impacting our mouth, can attack other parts of our body negatively affecting our overall health.

For this reason, it is necessary to know which are the most common oral diseases, in order to detect them in time and be treated by the dentist:

Caries: Caries is a multifactorial disease that causes destruction of dental tissues as a result of demineralization caused by acids generated by plaque bacteria, since bacteria present in said plate produce acid from food debris. Dental destruction is associated with the ingestion of sugars and acids contained in beverages and food, errors in hygiene techniques, lack of dental brushing, no flossing …. After the destruction of the enamel, it attacks the dentin, being able to reaching the dental pulp (nerve) producing inflammation and subsequent necrosis (pulpal death), which can cause the loss of the piece.

Gingivitis: This involves the inflammation of the gums due to an infectious process and tartar build-up caused by poor oral hygiene, poor flossing or smoking. The symptoms are: bleeding gums, inflammation and redness, sensitivity to cold and bad breath. If it is not treated in time it can lead to periodontitis.

Periodontitis: Commonly known as “pyorrhea” is a disease that can initially present with gingivitis, then continue with a loss of collagen insertion, receding gums and even bone loss. In the case of not being treated it advances leaving without support bone to the tooth, which can end in the irreparable loss of the same.

Halitosis: This is called bad breath, caused by poor oral hygiene, gum disease, intakes of foods such as onions, garlic, tobacco or alcohol, too much coffee or systemic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, liver disorders and / or Digestive diseases. This disease is suffered by 40% of people throughout their life. The best way to prevent it is to avoid the intake of the foods that produce it, to make a correct mastication of the food and to maintain a good oral hygiene with a correct brushing and use of dental floss or interproximal brush.

Bruxism: The involuntary habit of grinding or clenching. It is one of the so-called par functions. When grinding or clenching the muscles of the chewing system is overactive. This phenomenon can manifest itself even during childhood. The patient is not usually aware that he grinds or clenches his teeth because he usually does, especially while he sleeps.

Grinding teeth while sleeping occurs in certain phases of sleep (the REM phase) although bruxism can also occur during the day. In this case, it occurs in situations of psychic tension or extreme concentration. Permanent overloading of bruxism can damage the periodontium as well as the hard substance of the teeth.

The forces released by bruxism not only affect the maxillary joints, but it also overloads and damages the chewing muscles and the teeth themselves. In addition, it can cause tension in the area of ​​the head and neck as well as headache and headache. There is no treatment that solves bruxism but it can alleviate the discomfort that causes and prevent subsequent damage, using special synthetic splints made by the dentist that protect the teeth to prevent wear, while safeguarding the joint.

The failure to brush

What is the plate dentobacteriana?

The plate dentobacteriana is one sediment soft, bacterial, adherent, which is accumulated in the teeth.

This plate is invisible and is formed with the appearance of one layer of bacteria in the tooth and gums when not have one good hygiene mouth. This plate is developed thanks to the attachment and multiplication of the bacteria that produce acid and the substances toxic, together with traces food.

How can we see the PDB in our teeth?

The plate dentobacteriana will be seen as one mass whitish on the surface of the teeth, but is recommended the   use of the tablets revealing that let see in which parts of the teeth and gums has accumulated greater amount of plaque.

They chew the tablets and they will paint over the areas where there plate dentobacteriana. With a good brushing, the tablets only paint very palely. The coloration accentuated is deposited only in certain places: in the crowns teeth, in the part located near the gums, in the spaces interdental at the edge gingival and in all those areas in the brushing is difficult.

For what the formed plate dentobacteriana?

The plate dentobacteriana progresses more rapidly with food soft and rich in sugars. For that, it is advisable to avoid the sweets between meals. The plate tooth is the cause main of caries and the disease of the gums.

How I can avoid that is to form the plate dentobacteriana?

The brushing of the teeth and gums properly, is the best usable procedure for the removal of plaque dentobacteriana. The toothbrushes must be of adequate size, shape and texture, manipulable, easy to wash, of constant and durable composition.

What is tartar?

The dent bacterial plaque is mineralized and tartar, which is a salt, calcium and phosphorus deposit that adheres to the dental surface, is formed due to lack of adequate hygiene. Once formed, it cannot be removed with the toothbrush, as it is very hard and is strongly attached to the tooth. As it is deposited more and more, it will be necessary for your dentist to remove it after a few months.

Scale is what causes and maintains gingival inflammation (gums), responsible for a large part of the development of gingivitis and periodontitis.

Where does tartar most easily form in the mouth?

The tartar is located in the groove formed by the gingiva and the tooth; Increases its accumulation until it reaches the dental surface, and can cause retraction of the gingiva. Generally, more tartar builds up in the teeth that are near the outlet of the ducts of the salivary glands. The size and consistency of these deposits depend on their length of stay; therefore, they are harder the older they are and the more organic matter they possess. When the tartar is soft, its color is yellowish, while the hard formations acquire a brown or blackish color. Dent bacterial plaque progresses faster with soft foods and sugar-rich foods. That is why it is advisable to avoid sweets between meals.

What is gingivitis?

It is a disease  bacteria that causes inflammation and bleeding gums caused by food remains trapped between the teeth and no or poor oral hygiene. This disease can develop after three days of not performing oral hygiene (brushing of teeth and tongue). There are several types of gingivitis, all with the same clinical manifestations. A particularly destructive type of gingivitis is called Acute Ulcer necrotizing Gingivitis (GUNA). In this patient the patient has a rotten breath, a necrotic gingival tissue and severe spontaneous hemorrhages.

What is periodontitis?

Periodontitis is a disease of bacterial etiology that affects the periodontium, the supporting tissue of the teeth, consisting of the gingiva, alveolar bone, root cemented and periodontal ligament.

In addition to bacterial plaque, there are other local and systemic factors that modify the host’s response to bacterial invasion, facilitating, or conversely, delaying the infectious process; For example smoking, diabetes mellitus, neutrophil deficits etc.

The disease, in its aggressive form (aggressive periodontitis), may appear at an early age, evolving rapidly, causing loss of dental pieces in young people.

Collateral consequences of periodontal disease

It has been observed that the bacteria present in this type of infections migrate from the mouth to the bloodstream, causing direct damage to the endothelium (main component of the arterial wall) with the consequent formation of atheroma’s (thickening of the arterial wall Due to cholesterol deposition) and thrombi. Atherosclerotic biopsies have also been performed in deceased patients, and periodontal bacteria, pathogens characteristic of the gums, have been found.

Technique for a good brushing

A good tooth brushing technique will guarantee the correct hygiene of our mouth. If the parents do not know the correct form or technique, they can ask the dentist’s help.

A good tooth brushing technique will guarantee the correct hygiene of our mouth. If the parents do not know the correct form or technique, they can ask the dentist’s help. The parents are responsible for teaching the correct technique of brushing the children.

It is necessary to have the correct technique of tooth brushing since the studies carried out in this regard reveal that there is a large percentage of children who do not brush their teeth with the necessary frequency and there are many who do not know how to brush correctly.

The steps for a good brushing are:

  • Use a small amount of toothpaste, with adequate amounts of fluoride. Make sure your children do not swallow toothpaste.
  • Children should wear a soft toothbrush. First, brush the inner surface of each tooth, which is where the plaque accumulates. Brush gently from posterior to anterior.
  • Clean the outer surfaces of each tooth by placing the brush at an angle to the outer gingiva. Brush gently from posterior to anterior.
  • Brush the chewing surface of each tooth.
  • Use the tip of the brush to clean the back of the anterior teeth, both upper and lower.
  • At the end you can brush the tongue to eliminate bacteria.

Teach the child to floss

Consultations should be periodic, because in addition to familiarizing the child with the environment and health monitoring will remain in the dental health of small, preventing this decay and stings that require healing and even tooth extraction. And if you have a caries problem, it will be so easy to solve that the little one will not feel more discomfort.

Conscious sedation is now being used in anxious and fearful patients, which is a type of sedation that keeps the patient awake. Nitrous oxide is used, a gas used with oxygen that has the property to relax the patient, keeping it in a state of lethargy, slowing down its stimuli, being ideal for long dental treatments or having a severe dental disease, People with physical disabilities, etc.

The conscious sedation that keeps the patient awake during their effect will not feel pain of healing, will wake up quickly without adverse reactions and after its effect will not remember the dental process through which it happened.


Run to the dentist

When running, usually you breathe through your mouth and that makes it the mouth dry and not salivate much. This causes an increase of bacteria in the oral cavity that can affect the gums locally or to other remote organs through the bloodstream. Saliva in its measure protects us from certain oral diseases.

Those who train more frequently have a higher intake of energy drinks, carbohydrates, gels and energy bars containing many sugars. A decrease in the amount of saliva is added to the lower PH that increases the risk of tooth decay and erosion. It is also common for athletes tighten the teeth in their effort which can cause tooth wear and micro fractures.

We offer the following tips so you can continue to run healthily:

  • Brush teeth after running, especially if you’ve made isotonic drinks or bars.
  • The gums are an indication of good health.
  • Control your jaw, clenching affects the cervical bones, you do not add tension.
  • Of course, avoid alcohol and snuff.